Talent Categories
Aaliyah Jay / @aaliyahjay
Abdullah Zaidi / @thisguyabdullah
Aerial Powers / @aerial_powers23
Aïssata Diallo / @aissatadiallo
Akilah Releford / @akilahreleford
Alexis Wilkerson / @a.wilky
Ali Camara / @ali_ibn_nouha_
Alyssa Nicole / @ly.ssanicole
Amber Desiree / @amberdesiree
Amina / @aminaplease
Aniyah Serinity / @aniyahserinity
Ava T. Ocloo / @ava.tocloo
Ayana Hyman / @ayanahyman
Ayomide Adeduro / @ayomideadeduro
Beleafmel / @beleafmel
Bousso / @_bousso
Broderick Hunter / @broderickhunter
Caitlyn / @caittheegreat__
Carrie Snipes / @carriesnipess
Cedoni / @cedonifrancis
Chancè / @hindirlane
Cheryl / @heyy.cheryl
Chi Adogu / @the_real_chi
Chizi Duru / @chiziduru
Chrissy / @chrissybstyles
Christiana / @kristline__
Ciara / @ayeciara
Clinton / @mr.moxam
Cory Jefferson / @coryjay34
The Curly Coopers / @thecurlycoopers
Dallas Otigba / @state.of.dallas
Damaya Danae / @damayaadanae__
Danielle / @ournestonpowell
Dayna Bolden / @daynabolden
Devan / @devanondeck
Eden Yonas / @edensarchivess
Elle Smith / @officialellesmith
Ellie Delphine / @slipintostyle
Emani / @makeupbyemani
Erica McDowell /@officialericaam
Erin / @theesperanzamaria
Dr. Ewoma / @drewomaukeleghe
Faisa Sahid / @faisa.sahid
Fola / @folahontas
Germany / @makeupbygermany
Gina B. / @ginab.xo
Ibukun Odeleye / @ibbydadoll
Imani Ellis / @imaniimani
Isabelle Harrison / @omg_itsizzyb
JaLisa Vaughn / @jalisaevaughn
Jalonda Hill / @xojalonda
Jamie Pandit / @justjamiep
Jania Aaliyah / @janiaaliyahh
Janyl Smith / @janylsmithesq
Jasmine Adetunji / @jasadetunji
Jayria Nicole / @jayrianicole
JC Carter / @thej.c.cartershow
Jenee Naylor / @jeneenaylor
Jessica Oduro / @itsjessicanicole_
Joe Kenneth / @joekenneth_
Joel Bervell / @joelbervell
Justin Frett / @jstnfrtt
Justine / @justinescameraroll_
Justine Joy / @justinejoy
Joshua Erabu / @joshuaerabu
Kaché Byrd / @thisbyrdsnest
Kam Williams / @iamkamiam_
Karen Blanchard / @karenbritchick
Kayla Jane / @itskaylajane
Kayla Simone / @kaylasimonehome
Khiari / @khii.arii
Kyra Evans-Hughes / @kyraevanshughes
Kia Marie / @thenotoriouskia
Kiana Young / @kileroux
Kim / @kimcharitar
Kimberly Bizu / @sliimkim
Kristina Manners / @kristina.manners
Kristine / @mskristine
Kymon W / @kymon_w
Kiitan / @kiitana
Lafontaine Oliver / @elite.oliver
Lauren W. / @laurenthelolife
Lee Litumbe / @spiritedpursuit
Leea Marie / @makeupbyleeamarie
Mahdi & LaNaiza / @loveatfirstflight_
Makayla Mashelle / @makaylamashelle
Malik McIntyre / @malikdmcintyre
Marche Robinson / @marcherobinson
Mariah Ashley / @mariahxashleyx
Maya Victoria / @mayaavictoriia
Maurice Kamara / @thepeoplegallery_
Maya Galore / @maya_galore
Melisza McPherson / @meliszamcfierce
Mena Adubea / @mena_adubea
Mia Moore / @themiaamoore
Mikai McDermott / @mikaimcdermott
Mila / @milasmosaic
Miranda Sanchez / @siranda_manchez
Najm Loyd / @steelojeem
Natacha John / @tach.j
Natasha / @natasha.mathurent
Ndeye / @ndeye.peinda
Nicole King / @richpeoplewhorichright
Nicole Sparks / @nicolealiciamd
Nidal Kabashi / @nidalkabashi
Nita Danielle / @thenitadanielle
Nyja / @myepiphany
Ohemaa Bonsu / @_ohemaabonsu
Olamide / @olamideaolowe
Patti Roberts / @taskyourself
Quentin Harris / @qharris18
Raymonte Cole / @bdtrelilbrother
Rochelle Johnson / @iambeauticurve
Royce Watson / @_skincarewithroyce
Ruthann Palacios / @ruesworldd
Sabrina Johnson / @mariejay
Shalom Blac / @shalomblac
Shaneice Crystal / @shaneicecrystal
Shari Dyonne / @sharidyonne
Shrika / @shrikaped
Simone Nicole / @simonenicolee__
Simone Saunders / @simonecsaunders
Skylar Marshai / @skylarmarshai
Smitty / @vinopapi23
Sopha Rush / @sopharush
Sunny Poudel / @sunny.poudell
Symphani Soto / @symphanisoto
Tabria Majors / @tabriamajors
Tahani Ariel / @tahaniariel
Tanya Marie / @lifeoftanyamarie
Taty Cokley / @tatycokley
Temi / @tolutemi
Teo Marcella / @teomarcella
Whitney W. / @fashionablyjetlagged
Wildlin Pierrevil / @notwildlin
Yaz Dior / @yazdior
Yazmin Adalynn / @yazmin.adalynn
The Yusufs / @theyusufs
The Creative Collective NYC / @TheCCNYC
Zerina Akers / @zerinaakers