
Kim is a 24-year-old creator from Queens, New York. After earning a music degree, she naturally found herself most comfortable in front of the camera, sharing her passion for beauty and hair with anyone who would watch. Kim has been creating content for two years now, and it has become her safe space. Starting with quick, captivating, and colorful transition videos, she now finds it hard to hold back from sharing her personality while testing new products, trying fun trends, or just rushing to get ready! Kim believes it's important to feel like your most confident and beautiful self but also not to take yourself too seriously.

You know that one friend you sit on FaceTime with while getting ready? You’re laughing, going through the process together, hyping each other up, maybe even learning a thing or two? That’s exactly how Kim hopes her audience feels when watching her content—they’re just chilling with a friend on FaceTime.


