
Janyl is a South Florida based content creator and blogger whose goal is to inspire, entertain, encourage, and educate her community. As a wife, mommy, estate planning attorney, and former wealth advisor, she is passionate about creating content that inspires her audience of moms to enjoy life with their children and appreciate the gift that is motherhood. Her content that is centered on candid moments with her children, specifically her young daughter, entertains moms and “non-moms” alike. Janyl’s audience also looks to her to educate them on various aspects of parenting young children.

Janyl’s family is comprised of her fellow millennial husband, Marvin, who is an orthopedic surgeon; their 4-year-old daughter, Summer, or “Summer, MD” as Janyl’s community knows her; and their toddler son, Cooper, who is their IVF miracle and always on the move!

Miami, FL

